If you have multiple Events listed in one day or a lot of text in Day Notes on your Calendar, there are a couple of ways you can change the appearance of your Calendar to view all of the Events in one day:

  1. change your Calendar view to another view
  2. Adjust row heights to display all text

How to show all of your Event data

Changing your Calendar view will allow you to see all of the Events you have in one day in a day or week view. However, you may prefer to see all of your Event data for every day in a month. Keep&Share gives you the option of adjusting the row heights of your Calendars when they are in month or four-week view so that you can display all of your Event text at once.

Flexible row heights on your Calendars give you the freedom to see at a single glance all of the Events you have for a month at once. When you adjust the row heights, the height of the row is only as tall as the day with the most Events for each row.

If you want to return to a Calendar view where all of the row heights are the same, it is easy to turn this feature off and there will be a small line of text at the bottom of your Day box that says “more...” to indicate further Event data.

To turn on the adjustable row heights for your calendar follow the steps in the image below:

You can adjust the width of the columns by adjusting your browser size.

Using flexible row height with Calendar Overlays

You can also use the flexible row height with Calendar Overlays. The Calendar Overlays feature lets you create a combined view of your calendars by layering more calendars on top of the source calendar. When you turn on the Calendar Overlays for one Calendar, the overlays will function just like having multiple Events for one day. The row height of the main Calendar will adjust to accommodate all of the Event data included in your overlays when you have the flexible row height function turned on.

Showing all of your Day Notes

The flexible row height also works when you are typing in your text for Day Notes. When you are typing in a Day Note, you will see the row height grow as you add more lines of text in your Day Note.