Besides controlling sharing at the individual document or file, you can also set sharing at the Folder level. Whenever you set Folder sharing, all Documents in that Folder (and any subsequently newly created Documents) are automatically given the Folder’s Share Settings.

Note: before setting sharing, you might want to set up a Share Group for your Friends. Learn more about Documents and Files.

How to set folder-level sharing

Control the Default Sharing of all Documents in a Folder

Once you set the sharing on a folder, any new Documents created in that Folder will inherit their sharing from the Folder. This is a great way to set up your own default sharing for all new Documents.

Click on the "Can Edit" checkbox next to a person's name to give Edit rights to whoever you share the Document or Folder with, or you can click on the "Can Edit" checkbox at the top of the Edit Rights column to select everyone in your Share List at once. However, to guard against accidental deletion of important information, only you can delete the Files and Documents in the Folder.

Note: In order to receive Edit Rights for a Folder, both the person giving the Edit Rights and the person receiving the Edit Rights must have a paid Keep&Share account. This function does not work in free accounts.

How to share Folder Sets

Keep&Share gives you two levels of folder organization. The top-level is called a “Folder Set.” In new accounts, they have an initial default name of “Folder Set 1,” “Folder Set 2” etc.

Give edit rights at the folder-level when you want to give your friends the ability to add, edit & delete files within the Folder. To give edit rights at the Folder level check the “Can Edit” checkbox in the folder's Share Control. You can select everyone in your Share List at once, or only choose individuals to give Edit Rights to.

Granting edit rights to one or a few folders is a very powerful way to allow your friends to collaborate. It is much better than emailing files back and forth or giving them the login information to your entire account.

Be careful: when you set sharing at the folder set level, the Sharing Control also shows a checkbox with the text “Apply these share settings to all existing files in this folder set”

The box is checked by default. When it is checked, all of your Folders and Documents in the Folder set will receive the new sharing you specify for the Folder set. It is a powerful way to erase or set new sharing on everything at once.

How to share multiple Documents at once

To share only selected files, you'll need to click on the checkbox next to the files in your folder or folder set that you want to share. Once you've selected your files you can then click on the blue "Share" icon to choose who to share your files with. Follow the steps in the image below:

Folder sharing works identically across all Keep&Share applications, including To Dos, where the Folders are called “Lists.”